Ships to the left of us, ships to the right of us, ships behind us and ships in front of us…

That’s right we were really in the ships!     But first the answer to last night’s question. There were several attempts by family and friends but no-one got it. The dinghy for the Dove is all walnut wood. It stays lashed on deck for months at the time and in the sun. Sun dries

Ships to the left of us, ships to the right of us, ships behind us and ships in front of us… Read More »

Fleeing DC

Cbay spent the day alternately cruising and racing down the Potomac and ended up with a few miles of the Chesapeake at Dennis Point Marina. Took on fuel, Kool-aid washed the boat and went to dinner at Waterside. Between paying Gangplank for 15 days and buying 175 gallons of fuel I am about done in

Fleeing DC Read More »